Baby's Development At Seven Months
Your baby may begin teething now although teething can start between 5 and 6 months and can even start as early as 3 months or as late as 12 months. This will be the time when you are most aware of his teething and may even cause many sleepless nights. Although he may be teething it can take another three months for his first tooth to come through. Give him plenty of things to chew on, lambs leg bone is good for baby's to chew on.
If you like your baby down on his stomach he will try and pull himself up into a seating position. He will be rolling around more and will be able to roll from one end of the room to the other. He may also try to crawl now.
Your baby will be able to pick up heavy objects now such as small toys and will pass them from hand to hand. You will notice squeals of laughter as he learns to bang objects off things.
To encourage him place objects a little out of his reach and watch him trying to get it. If he cries help to relax him but don't give him the toy he will get at it in the end.
Your baby is use to playing the same games but try varying them. Try a few of these favorites, pat-a-cake, round around the garden, little piggy's (with his fingers). Trying singing to your baby too or trying different types of songs, he will let you know his favorite by moving and babbling to the music.
Your baby will enjoy being around different people and will relish in the attention that they give. But he will be unsettled when separated from you for a while. If you work and leave your baby with a sitter do not be surprised if he wakes during the night and cries for your attention, he does this for comfort so that he knows you are there when he wakes up once he gets use to his routine he will settle better.
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