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Baby's Development At Eight Months

He is moving around more freely now. He will be shuffling on his bottom and may even be crawling. He will also be pulling himself up using furniture such as the sofa he may even trying moving around using the furniture as support.

He will now have mastered the art of throwing and once bored will throw the object away. If you pick it up and give it back to him he will keeping throwing it so that you will pick them up for him. He is will also be able to pick up things with his thumb and first and second fingers.

He is now able to manipulate the people around him. If he does something that makes you laugh and coo over him he will continue to do it. If he cries and you pick him up he will also continue to do this. Encourage his noises, movements but don't give into his demands.

He is able to let you know what he wants now and may even imitate noises such as brr for car etc.. He can also get your attention by saying ma ma, da da.

You should be reading him a variety of books now. By showing him the pictures and giving details you are helping him to learn what different objects are and even teaching him with his words.

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