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Baby's Development At Eleven Months

He is no longer a helpless baby as he will be expressing by moving around independently without you, exploring new things and sitting playing by himself. He is now able to do more for himself such as pick up his own bottle, take of his nappy, pick up his own toys, starting to feed himself, and help you to help him to get ready.

By now he will have his own words or meanings for different objects and people for example, ca may mean cat, nana may mean gran etc.. He is able to communicate more and will not get as frustrated with himself.

Now is the time to get him settled into a proper bedtime routine and sticking to it. Many parents let their baby follow a sleep on the sofa and then carry him up to bed DON'T do this. Take him up to bed at bed time read him a story or play him some music until he falls a sleep.

Encourage him to be independent by allowing him to do things for himself.

Check out these other articles in the Parenting category:

Baby's Development At Four Months
A Simple Method for Choosing the Perfect Name for Your New Baby
A Surprise Baby Shower Can Be the Perfect Way to Celebrate
Keeping Your Children Safe
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