Babysitter's Information Sheet
Help your babysitter and help yourself have some peace of mind when you go out! Here's a quick and easy
way to prepare information and directions for your babysitter. Just add your information, and anything that you want to
add. Print off and give to your babysitter and she will always be able to contact you.
Add your information below
Our names: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Our home phone number: ---------------------------------------------------------------
Our address: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Directions to our address:
If you need to reach us, this is our contact information:
Phone: --------------------------------
Pager: ---------------------------------
Mobile: --------------------------------
We will be at: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
We will return at:--------------------------------------------------------------------
Neighbor contact information:
What you allow your child to eat:
Breakfast ---------------------------------------------------
Lunch --------------------------------------------------------
Supper ------------------------------------------------------
Snacks -----------------------------------------------------
Anything that your child/ren is not allowed to eat eg: (Nuts, sweets etc..)
Below, note any specific bedtime instructions eg. (favorite blanket, toy, stories).
Doctor's name: -----------------------------------------------
Doctor's phone: -----------------------------------------------
Add any special notes here:
(Topics may include medication, allergies, special habits/needs, favorite toys, TV and video game rules)
Any other thing that may be of use: ----------------------------------------------------
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Why Modern Moms Are Going Back to the Basics – The Evolution of the Cloth Diaper
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