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Can You Handle a Pet Boxer Dog?

By: Amy Howells

The answer is "no" if you are the type who mostly leave your dog on a chain. Boxers require much of your love, attention and companionship although they are easy to take care of.

One Boxer-lover even said to never get one as pet if you work full time!

Another point to consider is that the costs for food, training, grooming, medical care, toys and other supplies do add up.

Still, for many years now, the Boxer has ranked in the top 10 of favorite purebreds by the American Kennel Club, numbering about 35,000 Boxers registered in 2003.

Boxers Crave Attention

Boxers need constant attention and love to be babied. Treat your Boxer as your best friend and play, play, play with him.

One three-month old Boxer loves her bath more when the owner sings to her. Be it playing, talking or singing to them or taking them for a walk, Boxers simply love the attention.

Shower them with love, affection and attention as well as some treats.

These keep Boxers happy. Left to their own devices, Boxers can become very destructive when lonely, bored and ignored. One is known to jump over 6-footer fences if the owner is gone for too long.

Give extra space when you have to leave Boxers alone over extended period. They don´t like to be locked in a room. One owner gives a 4-year old male Boxer the run of the hall stairs, landing and its own bedroom and the dog is much happier and not destructive at all.

When you have to leave Boxers alone, you better make sure they have a toy they really like or they'll find something to do that you probably really won't like.

Destructive Streak in Boxers

Boxers are too smart and strong for their own good, and if they're bored and undisciplined they can be a disaster in the house.

That is why obedience training is important, in order to prevent the destruction of too many of your belongings. Training makes a happier dog.

The accepted temperament for Boxers rules out aggression, hyperactivity and extreme shyness in the breed. You want to have these under control in your pet.

Experts suggest that, when adopting a Boxer, you should at least check the parent dogs for these undesirable traits before even looking at the puppies.


One owner said: "I love my Boxer girl, but she can be a terror sometimes and could get really hyper to where she´d attack us. I'd hate to think what all she'd get into without any training at all!"

By the way, there are more accounts, from owners, of aggression among their female Boxers, especially towards other female.


Boxers have high play drive and they need their exercise or they´d get excitable and destructive.

Play, play and play with them. Give them extra space especially when you have to leave them alone for long period. Tire them out with long walks and play sessions but within a fenced area or on a leash.

When going for their walks, opt for body harness if you have a Boxer that pulls or strays.

Harness is the answer to the Boxer slipping out of the collar. The chain-harness combo looks good as well as trains the Boxer to walk without pulling or straying.

Extreme shyness (not to be mistaken with independence)

It's critical to socialize your Boxers. When they are still puppies, take them to public places like a pet store so they won´t be so shy.

Begin training in an area that is familiar to your Boxer, where there is minimum distraction. Once both of you are skilled at several obedience commands, take him to practice at different areas with increasing amount of distractions present.

This may seems like starting all over again, but it's worth the effort. One family took theirs to the local mini-mart and practiced obedience training right outside, where there were distractions from people.

"Strangers came over and petted him and gave him treats. He met all kinds of people and learned to follow commands despite the distractions, and is a better dog today."

About the Author:

Amy Howells

For more information about boxer dogs visit:

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