Top 5 Superfoods Your Kids Will Love
Most often, feeding your child with fruits and vegetables is quite challenging. This is a common problem for nearly every mother out there and often worries about their child eating habits. To give your child the right nutrition while allowing him to enjoy his meal, superfoods should be included in their diet.
Superfood is a term used for foods that have an excellent amount of nutrients that is beneficial for health and well-being. These foods are unprocessed foods that are packed full with vitamins and minerals to keep you stay healthy and prevent diseases. Some of the superfoods that your kids will surely love are the following:
Aside from its antioxidant properties, blueberries are naturally rich in vitamin C. It is estimated that children need 75 mg of vitamin C in day and a half cup of blueberries just meet the 25% of their daily requirement. It is also a good source of fiber which helps to properly digest food in the body. Blueberries contains an adequate amount of manganese, an essential mineral that helps build enzymes for building and maintaining strong bones. Blueberries can be added to your kid?s favorite oatmeal and pastries, or you can blend them to make a smoothie.
This amazing superfood is simply loved by most children. It is usually sautéed in dishes, roasted or mashed. Some common forms are French fries or potato chips which serve as everybody?s delicious snacks. It contains a good amount of fiber, Potassium, Manganese, Iron and Vitamin C, and the Vitamin B6 that is essential for red blood cell production, metabolism, and a good nervous system function.
An ounce of walnuts will take good care of your child?s health. Aside from the fact that it is easy to sneak in into your kid?s lunch box, walnut also offers an array of nutrients that helps promote your child?s health. Walnut fat contains Omega-3 fatty acid that helps prevent heart diseases and normalize blood pressure, making it a good snack for growing children. It is rich in B-Vitamins such as B1, B6, B9 (Folate) which supports the growth of nervous system and aids in the formation of red blood cells and DNA.
It is believe that the fiber in oatmeal is what makes it a healthy food. Fiber helps in digestion while allowing absorption of nutrients in the body. Fiber is also known to decrease Low density lipoprotein (LDL) or commonly referred to as ?bad cholesterol? and helps reduce the risk of colon cancer. Oatmeal contains an adequate amount of protein, iron, and vitamin B.
To make your kid?s breakfast more enjoyable, prepare oatmeal with milk instead of water while adding some fresh fruits such as blueberries, bananas, or apples. Nuts and raisins will also add an exciting flavor to their meal.
Undeniably, tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that washes off the damaging free radicals in the body. Because of its antioxidant properties, a regular consumption of tomatoes will help prevent prostate cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, age-related macular degeneration, and other chronic diseases. You can easily add tomato sauces to your child?s favorite dish, or make use of pizza and pasta sauces as an alternative.
About the Author:
Jenny Travens is a chief editor and a wellness coach and fitness blogger for She loves to share her knowledge about the different ways of staying fit and healthy and helps people to conquer over health related issues and maintain their fitness regime.
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