Baby Showers FAQ
Who can have a baby shower?
Remember all babies are special and each of them deserve their own baby shower to greet them into this world.
When should the shower take place?
Usually in the last two months of pregnancy. Some mothers like to know what sex they are having first so they wait until after their baby is born before they have a baby shower.
Who throws the shower?
Traditionally it was a family member from either side but now it is most often the best friend of the mum-to-be. Although it can be anyone, friends, family, work colleagues, etc.
Who comes to a baby shower?
That depends on the planners. If it's a work colleagues they might only invite people from work or a family member planning it might only invite family. If it is a surprise shower ask someone close to the expectant mother to find out who to invite.
Something that needs great thought is any friend, family, etc.. that may have experienced a recent loss or are suffering infertility problems. ONE thing you must make sure of is that they are asked if they would like to come. (It may seem like you are sparing their feelings by not asking but you will just add to their suffering.) If they are not up to attending at least they will have been giving the choice.
Do men attend?
There was a time when it was strictly for women only but now that men are taking on bigger roles in their children's life's they are wanting to be more involved. Some men though still leave it to the women.
What about a theme?
Although choosing a theme for a baby shower is a little harder then say a wedding shower they can still be a lot of fun. Try some of these ideas.
Nursery decor: Let each guest bring something that will fit in with the nursery.
Baby learning: Soft toys that are also educating, alphabetical nursery border, etc..
Around the clock. Give each guest a time of day that they must bring something for the baby or mum. Example: 7am musical mobile for bed time, 5pm rubber duck for bath time you get the picture.
Baby and mum toiletries. Baby towels, rubber duck, baby shampoo for baby, bubble bath, dressing gown for mum.
Baby library: Each guest must bring a book to start baby`s library off.
One for the twins. Noah's Ark: Each guest much bring two things. As there is two to buy for this should be a cost effective shower.
What do you do at a shower?
Usually you give gifts, play games, eat and other activities that the host might conjure up. If it is a themed shower you may be doing smoothing to do with the theme.
What About food?
Before deciding what food to serve you should have a time in mind. If the shower is at lunch or dinner time people will be expecting a meal. Early afternoon, evening you can serve finger foods. If you are planning a meal check that the mum can eat what is put down to her and that you check with guests in case of any vegetarians or guests with special diets.
What about games?
Have a little bet on the weight of the baby.
Who can change the baby the fastest. This is a great game to play with the lads. Take two new born baby dolls, nappies, talc etc.. and see which teams can change the nappy the quickest.
What's in the jar: Buy some baby food, strip them of their labels and pass them round for tasting. The one who gets the most correct tastes wins a prize.
What about decorations?
If you are having a shower theme then pick decorations and invitations to match, if not then try a few of these.
A clothes line a cross the room with baby`s clothes hanging from them.
Pink/blue ribbons, candles, table cloths etc..
What about presents?
Presents are a baby shower tradition. If there is going to be a theme then you may be expected to match a present with it but must people buy baby presents. Remember gifts don`t have to be expensive they can be an old heirloom, handmade etc..
Saying thank you?
Thank you isn`t necessary although some may find this rude. I think that as a good gesture on your behalf you should write thank you on a piece of paper sign it then send one to each guest.
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