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Baby's Needs Checklist

Below is a checklist of all the things you will need to buy before your baby is born. All you have to do is print it off use it as a guide. It is always best to wait until you are at least three months pregnant before buying in for the baby as you might find out what sex your baby is when you have an ultra scan, or in case of any problems. We have added some useful tips that will help both you and baby.

Baby's clothing

Sleep suits (if your baby is born in the winter months then buy thick warm sleep suits, buy thin cotton ones
if your baby is born in the summer months.)





Scratch mittens

Hats (woolen if winter, cotton if summer.)

Snow suit if winter

Remember to only buy a few of each until after your baby is born. Buy clothes in unisex colours (lemon, white, mint) unless you know what the sex of your baby is going to be.

Nappy changing

Nappies (disposable, terry toweling nappies. Disposable nappies are easier terry toweling are cheaper)

Bucket and safety pins if using terry toweling nappies

Nappy sacks (use fragrant ones for those smelly nappies)

Baby wipes (use thick soft wipes they are gentler to baby`s bottom or cotton wool and water is just as good)

Changing mat

Nappy cream like soda cream

Changing bag for traveling (try to get one that has a built in changing mat)

Bathing baby

Baby bath (you can usually buy baby baths that have a number of different accessories with them like thermometer, towel, potty and more they often work out cheaper)

Shampoo, Baby soap, sponge, flannel

Baby brush/comb, scissors

Baby lotion, oil, talc

Baby towel (the softer the towel the better. Always wash towels before using them)


Try and buy nappies and toiletries in bulk so as you won`t need to worry about them when the baby is born
allowing you to enjoy your time with the baby

Baby's sleep

For the first few months you will need either a morses basket, crib or carry cot

Cot (look for the British standard mark BS 1753 before buying a cot. The cot must be sturdy and the mattress must fit firmly so baby's head can not get stuck in any spaces. It might be worth while investing in a cot bed that will last up until your child is five years old.)

Mattress (always buy a new mattress if you can and make sure it is hard and firm. Try and get one with a plastic cover on)

Sheets (fitted sheets are easiest but can be a bit expensive. Buy at least four sheets as they need changing quite often)

Several light blankets (use light colours. Keep baby close by at night for the first few months and
never use a pillow or duvet.

Breast feeding

Breast pump (this for pumping breast milk into a bottle)

Nursing bras (cotton is best as it allows air to circulate)

Breast pads

Nipple cream (check with your doctor or mid wife first)

Bottle feeding

Bottles at least six

sterilizing equipment and sterilizing tablets or fluid

Bottle brush

Bottle warmer

Infant formula milk (don't buy too far in advance and always check the sell by date)


Make sure you always sterilize bottles properly after use. To save time you can make bottles up in advance and
keep them in the refrigerator but only keep them for up to twenty four hours at a time.

Out and about

Pram (prams are very comfortable and warm for babies but are no good for public transport)

Pushchair (pushchairs are only suitable for babies if they have fully reclining seats. Use alight weight pushchair for babies over one)

Three-in-one (this is a carrycot on a set of wheels that converts into a pushchair. This is also no
good for public transport)

Baby carriers (baby likes these as they are close to you but can only be used for a few months.They are ideal for public transport)


Shawl/blanket (always carry one with you to keep baby warm)

Other things

Baby bouncer (these are ideal to keep baby happy while you do other things)

High chair

Mobile for cot

Baby listener


Soft toys

Try and buy nappies and toiletries in bulk so as you won't need to worry about them when the baby is born allowing you to enjoy your time with the baby.

Everybody at Brahoo wishes you all the best with your pregnancy and hopes that both you and your baby are well and that this checklist has been of some use.

Check out these other articles in the Parenting category:

Should Baby Bedding Be Tight or Loose?
Basal Body Temperature and Cervical Mucus Chart
Baby's Development At Ten Months
Life Lessons In The Kitchen
Symptoms of Pregnancy