Hospital Checklist
You never know when your baby is going to arrive so it is always best to prepare in advance. Pack a bag for the hospital about seven months into your pregnancy this will save you rushing around nearer your due date, and in case your baby comes early you will have every thing ready. You will need to pack a small bag for the labour and another for after the birth. Below is a checklist for both. All you have to do is print it off and start packing.
For the labour
A small bag (a small backpack will be ideal as they don`t take up much room)
Something comfortable and loose to wear like an old t-shirt (or you could wear a hospital nightie to prevent your
clothes from getting covered in blood)
A sponge or water spray to cool you down (you could take a mini fan for your birthing partner to fan you off)
Personal stereo with all your favorite music on
Anything else that you think will make your labour more comfortable
For after the birth
Nighties or pajamas (take front opening nighties if you are breast feeding. If it is your first baby take a few in
with you as you will have to stay in for a couple of days)
Dressing gown, slippers and socks
Nursing bras or ordinary bras if you are not breast feeding
A packet of 24 sanitary towels (use super absorbent as your blood flow is very heavy after childbirth)
Five or six pairs of knickers (take old ones as they will probably get stained. Take some fragrant nappy sacks for dirty knickers this will take away any unpleasant smells)
Toiletry bag containing toothpaste/brush, soap, sponge/flannel, shampoo/conditioner, hair brush/comb,
scrunchies/bobbles and makeup
Two towels (dark ones if possible as this will hide any stains)
Breast pads, nipple cream
A loose comfortable outfit for during the day
Book, magazines, crossword books (this will help to pass the time away while baby is sleeping
Change or phone card for the hospital pay phone
Loose clothes for coming home in
For baby
Clothes (take a few changes if you have to stay in hospital for a few days)
Nappies, baby wipes other toiletries
Snow suit if winter months
Shawl for taking baby home
Other important things
Keep a list of important numbers (hospital, midwife, doctor, your partner or birth companion)
Your hospital notes (this will save you filling out forms when you get to the hospital)
Transport (arrange this in advance if possible If your partner is not around when you go into labour ask a
neighbor or phone somebody. Phone for an ambulance if you can`t get anyone else to take you, and what ever you
do don't drive yourself this could put both you and baby as well as other drivers in danger. Arrange transport from the hospital to take you home.)
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