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Moving With Kids

Moving house can be a distressing experience for children. Children like stability and can find it hard to adapt to changes. Involve your children from the start. Whether you are buying or renting let your children decide if they like the new home and the area before you decide to move there.

It is very important that you let your children know all you can about the new home, area, schools etc.. Children are very imaginative and can build their own version of how things are going to be. Research the area for schools and activities that are of interest to them and share your knowledge with them. This will put their minds at rest and they can start looking forward to the move. or tease them about questions they may have that seem trivial to you they are very important to your kid/s.

Encourage your children to talk about any worries that they might have. Try to understand their concerns the best you can and reassure them that you are there for them and that you will help them to adjust as much as possible.

Allow your children time to grieve over leaving behind their home, school, friends and family. Encourage them to write or let their friends visit (if you don't live to far a way.) Take them to visit their favourite places one last time before you move.

Involve the kids
Take the children to have a look at the new home and the neighbourhood. If you live to far away from the new home and can't take the kids take photos for them to look at so that they can get a feel for the new home.

Don't let your children stay with relatives or friends while you are moving. Instead, include the children in unpacking and arranging their new rooms. Arrange children's rooms first, they'll feel more secure if surrounded by familiar things.

Moving with small children
Take them to the new home and let them visit parks and play groups in the area.

Leave toilet training and other routine changes until your child is fully settled into the new home.

Allow them to choose their own rooms.

Visit the new school with your children several times before the first day

Sort their room out first to get them settled.

Expect some regressive behaviors, such as thumb-sucking, sleep disturbances, or bed-wetting to appear before. It might take them a while to get settled. Reassure your children at all times and don't shout at them if they are a behaving a bit badly.

Let them help you pack a box with their favorite toys, books, bedtime companions, and clothes this will make them feel more comfortable when traveling.

After a few weeks check with them concerning school, their new room, friends, etc

Moving with older children
Throw a party for your children to say good bye to their friends properly..

Give your children specific jobs to help with the move. Let them know that their cooperation is essential and appreciated. Let them pack their own things.

Encourage your child to investigate your new community by visiting or writing for information, then sharing it with the rest of the family.

Research the area for activities and clubs that your children wil be interested in.

Let them to choose and decorate their own rooms.

Take your children a long to visit their new school before their first day.

Do not try to convince them of how much they will like the new home, neighbours, school and the area. Only they can decide on how long it will take them to adjust.

Try to time your family's move to coincides with the beginning of a new school year or term. Making new friends is easier when a new term is just starting.

Let them know that they can invite their friends to come and stay at weekends and on holidays.

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