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50 Romantic Ideas

Surprise her with her favorite flower whether it be a dozen roses or some other type.
Send a romantic e-card.
Give a backrub or massage
Give a card "just because"
Take a bubble bath together by candlelight.
Fill his/her apartment, car, work place etc.. with flowers or gifts.
Snuggle together before you go to sleep
Give him/her some loving coupons entitling them to a free meal, hug, etc..
Make it a point to call them during the day just to say "I love you".
Take a walk together in the moonlight.
Write a love letter, cut it into pieces like a jigsaw puzzle and give a piece a day until it is all complete.
Create a scrapbook of little tokens that you have kept while you have been together, such as: Theatre tickets, photos, wine corks, etc..
Get out of bed early, cook breakfast and deliver it in bed.
Write a love poem.
Leave love notes in places where you know your love will eventually find them such as in his glove compartment, under the pillow.
Name a star after him/her.
Make it a point to tell your loved one "I love you" each day.
Spend the weekend at a swanky hotel.
Take a carriage ride around your home town.
Build your loved one a web-page.
Give them a gift that they have always wanted.
Buy them a personalised teddy bear with "I love you" on it.
Rent a romantic movie, and snuggle up for the night in front of the box.
Compliment your lover at least once each day.
Watch the sunset at the beach, or some other romantic place.
Stay up all night and watch the sunrise.
Make your lover a card "just because".
Go to a coffee shop, enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and just enjoy each other's company.
Share a plate of spaghetti.
Listen without interrupting when they are talking.
Send a bouquet of flowers to their work place to make them feel extra special in front of their colleugues
Spend one week without the TV you will be suprised at how much time you spend together and how much you will enjoy each others company.
Exchange keys to each other's cars and homes.
Take a day off and spend it in bed.
Cook her a romantic meal for two.
Do something that you both enjoy together, whether it be ice-skating, going to the movies or what ever as long as you spend at least an afternoon doing it.
Do something different each day to add excitement and mystery to your relationship.
Dedicate their favorite song on the radio when you know they will be driving home from work.
Surprise your love by doing the dishes, laundry, etc.
Buy tickets to their favorite event.
Go back to the place where you had your first date.
Fly a kite. Yes I said fly a kite. This isn't just for kids you will be hooked.
Get a local directory of your area and spend the day visiting interesting places that you have yet to discover.
Write them a love note and pack it in their lunch box.
Give Hershey Kisses with a note attached saying they can be exchanged for real kisses.
Celebrate your Anniversary every month instead of just once a year.
Turn the bedroom into a love nest with candles and fresh flowers.
Turn up unexpectedly at their work place to walk them home.
Scatter rose petals all over the bed with an expensive bottle of perfume in the middle of them.
Make one day a week your day filled with romance and make it different each week.

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