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How Long Does It Take To Write A Resume?

By: Michelle Roebuck

Many people can easily write a resume in just a couple of hours. They can do this by following a resume sample and just writing their information in place of the sample. This is the quick and easy way, but it's not the most effective way.

If you want to write a resume that gets noticed by employers, you need to do an assessment of your skills, interests and abilities before you write your resume. You also want to develop a resume objective that best describes the type of position you're applying for.

It could take several weeks for you to complete your resume. It's very common to write one or two drafts before finalizing your resume. When you're done writing, your resume should be no longer than one or two pages.

After writing the first or second draft, read it and make sure it clearly states the skills and abilities that are relevant for the position you're seeking. Don't put unnecessary information in your resume that have nothing to do with your qualifications for the job.

If possible, have someone else read your resume. It's always helpful to have another person read your resume who will offer you an objective opinion. The feedback will be helpful for you in fine tuning your resume.

If you don't feel you can write your own resume, you can always hire a professional resume writing service to do it for you. A really good resume service will help you in assessing your skills and abilities so they can write a resume that will accurately represent you and your qualifications.

About the Author:

Michelle Roebuck provides job interview tips and resume writing advice at To sign up for her FREE monthly newsletter go to

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