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Who's Who In the Wedding Party

Best man -- This guy is at the groom's side from start to finish and will organize the stag party, deliver speeches, etc.. He is in charge of the groomsmen and is responsible for them to have everything prepared in time for the wedding. He is responsible for getting the groom to the ceremony on time, gives the officiant his/her fee, signing the marriage license, and taking care of the bride's ring.

Bride -- There would be something wrong if we didn't know who the bride was. But her responsibilities (apart from the obvious) are; planning all aspects of the wedding; with the groom of cause (yeh right) from ordering the cake, picking the dress to arranging the flowers. Not forgetting her most important role is marrying the groom.

Bridesmaids -- These girls are usually close friends and family of the bride. They help the bride to plan for the big day; sending invites, planning the hen night, etc.. They are also there to offer support if needed.

Father of the bride -- In traditional fashion the father of the bride stumped up most of the cash for the wedding. He usually takes a back seat and lest the mother deal with most of the event but can help out with arranging transport, tipping where appropriate etc.. His biggest role is to give his daughter away by walking her down the aisle not to mention the famous father of the bride speech.

Father of the groom -- the father of the groom has always taking a back seat where planning and help out is concerned but is noted for paying for the rehearsal dinner, and sometimes the honeymoon.

Flower girl -- Flower girls are usually aged between 2-8 and walk down the aisle ahead of the bride scattering flower petals from a basket.

Groom -- Apart from the obvious he helps the bride (where permitted) arranging the wedding. His make tasks are; booking the honeymoon, gathering a band or DJ, arranging transport, finding accommodation for out of town guests, and so on. His main role of cause is to turn up on time and make an honest woman of the bride.

Groomsmen -- Friends and family of the groom who help with planning and preparing for the wedding. They assist the best man and help plan and pay for the stag party. It's also common to have groomsmen as ushers. They also help decorate the get away car and get to dance with all the single bridesmaids.

Junior bridesmaids/groomsmen/ushers -- Young members of the wedding party (aged 9-16). They'll attend all major functions (excluding stag and hen parties) and fulfill the same responsibilities as senior members.

Maid/Matron of honor -- Is usually the bride's best friend who helps with all the planning. She is the to provide emotional support where needed and fight back those last minute butterflies. She arranges the hen party, helps the bride get ready on the big day, makes a toast to the bride and groom, signs the marriage license, holds the bouquet during the vows and collects gifts at the reception. She is the last bridesmaid to walk down the aisle before the bride, holding the groom's ring on her thumb.

Mother of the bride -- The bride's mum helps with the planning (note not to take over) arranging the guest list, hostess at the rehearsal dinner, shoulder to cry on when things get to much and all round strength of the party.

Mother of the groom --The groom's mum can assume any of the bride's mum's responsibilities, if permitted. Works with the bride's mother on the guest list and others as much support as possible. Don't forget the mother and son dance.

Officiant -- Are the cleric or city official who performs the marriage ceremony.

Page boys -- Young boys aged 4-9 who carry the bride's extra-long train. Also known as "train bearers."

Ring bearer -- A young boy (or girl) aged 4-8, who walks down the aisle just before the flower girl carrying a pillow with two rings tied to it.

Train bearer -- (see Page boys)

Ushers -- (Usually male) who escort guests to their seats before the ceremony. Ushers are often employed in addition to groomsmen so as not to miss any body out.

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